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A New Normal

I've thought long and hard about this blog - I have had the time to. Ten weeks ago I held my last corporate therapy clinic as the current Covid19 epidemic started to grip the nation. Seven weeks ago I saw my last private client. Since then I've not provided any holistic therapies.

Tai Chi classes stopped as the halls hired for them no longer opened and the fabulous straw bale studio I use for monthly drumming also closed to the public. I've held an on-line drum share and also an on-line Ho'Oponopono for the World, both were very enjoyable, if a little experimental in terms of using Zoom as a platform for on-line offerings. Having never provided on-line/live classes or events before, charging for them seemed opportunistic, my events have been much more about bringing people together during difficult times, hence they were free.

When your chosen career is 100% in the "high risk/close contact market", a global pandemic is guaranteed to stop you in your tracks. Current advice on Covid19 suggests it may be many months before life settles into a "New normal" requiring adjustment by all.

So my question for you is this... How do you see Holistic Therapies working post epidemic? What would give you confidence to engage in them again? Have you missed having regular treatments? How important is your holistic health to you? What adjustments do you think are important in the holistic health industry?

Moving forward I am looking to offer virtual appointments for self-help advice and relaxation and may consider joining the masses with on-line Tai Chi and Meditation Classes.

Since launching HOST 5 years ago all the therapies and classes I have been offered have been with you, my customers in mind. Now is your chance to help shape what is offered when we achieve the post-epidemic "New Normal". Please let me know what you'd like to see from your holistic therapists.


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