Nautlius Shell Natures Perfection kindly reproduced with permission of Sharon Cummings.
It's all about nurturing your soul
Holistic On Site Therapies, Massage, Reiki, Mindfulness and Tai Chi
Reiki Workshops and Courses and Retreats
Have you enjoyed your Reiki Treatment? Why not learn how to use Reiki on yourself, family and friends? Small classes with plenty of time to practice and lots of individual attention. Study all levels with me or dip in and out for the levels you wish to attend. Planned courses are advertised on the events page, if there are no dates showing please contact me as many course are run to agreed dates. Starting your Reiki journey is a beautiful step on to the Reiki path - extending your Reiki practice with new levels or drumming is always exciting.
Reiki Courses
Reiki Courses are planned to meet the needs of those wishing to book onto them. Once a date is agreed the spare spaces for dates are advertised below. No courses are currently planned please contact me to enquire about booking dates for any Reiki classes below :
Usui Reiki Shoden - Level 1 / First Degree - 2 day course £160
The first step on the Reiki path, learn where this energy comes from and how to connect with it and use it to help heal yourself and others (Not as a paid professional). This beautiful two day course is often the most profound step into the world of energy healing. Taught in person (Preferred route) on via distant learning and attunements. £160 for two days with a light lunch included each day (For in person classes only), manuals, certification and access to my Privately held Shoden on line database.
Usui Reiki Okuden - Level 2/Second Degree - 2 day course £220
The second degree in the Usui Reiki Lineage, delivered over two days. Receive two attunements and three new sacred energies and symbols to work with, learn new ways of giving reiki treatments expanding your personal healing toolkit. Taught in person (preferred route) or via distant learning and attunements. £200 for two days with a light lunch included each day (For in person classes only), manuals, certification and access to my Privately held Okuden on line database.
Holy Fire 3/Usui Reiki - Shinpiden- Master Teacher degree - 3 day course £370
The final step in the Usui Lineage. It can be taught in person (preferred route)or via distant learning and attunements. Receive the power of the master energy and symbol and the knowledge of processes used to attune others.
If you wish to be a master without intention to teach a two day alternative is available. £400 for three days with a light lunch included each day (For in person classes only), manuals, certification and access to my Privately held Master Teacher on line database.
Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Course - 3 day course - £470
Take your Reiki practice to a whole new level with Karuna Reiki. Karuna translates as "compassion in action", Fine tune your reiki with 8 new energies/symbols to work with over an intense three day course. Including how to attune others. Taught in person (preferred route) or via distant learning and attunements. £500 for three days with a light lunch included each day (For in person classes only), manuals, certification and access to my Privately held Karuna Reiki on line database.
Holy Fire 3 Reiki Healing Drum £130 - one day course
The power of Reiki combined with the power of Drum Healing. A blended modality of Holy Fire Reiki and sound/vibration healing. Learn to use your drum to heal with Reiki and to use your drum to help people journey safely to find power animals, spirit guides and much more.
Lightarian Reiki - all levels - Including the option of Angelic links
A powerful yet gentle form of Reiki, inviting Angels to work with you and use their energies in your healing. In person or on line. Work at a pace suited to you receiving each attunement at an agreed time. Learn how to tune in and connect to a vast network of energies. A truly uplifting form of Reiki. Please enquire for prices.
Qi Gong style mindfulness and breathwork workshop
These workshops are run on request £35 per person when booking for a group of four, one to one cost £120. 2.5 hours of targeted Qi Gong style breathwork.
Before the recent surge in "New age" Breathwork, for centuries the Chinese have practiced breathwork as part of a system of wellbeing. Qi Gong translates to English as "Vital Energy Cultivation", it's focus is movement and breath to bring the energy of the body into focus and aid understanding of where you are lacking energy.
Join me for a gentle and informative workshop to gain understanding of your lungs, ribs and diaphragm - how they function and simple breathing techniques you can practice to cultivate energy with your breath. This expands the lungs, releases the diaphragm and activates the intercostal muscles effectively - with proven results in lung capacity.
This course can be done as floor work, seated or standing to be adaptable for all needs.
£35 per person when booking for 4 or more. £120 for one to one. Email to request a course or for more details.
Rune Valdr - Rune Reiki - Distant and one day courses
A powerful and very earthy form of Reiki connecting with Runes, Viking energies and nature. Lots of new tools to add to your healing toolkit can be found here. Don't be fooled that its only one day - this is a powerful modality. Please enquire for prices.
The Nine Rites of the Munay Ki
The Munay Ki Rites are a transformative set of energy rites passed from practitioner without lineage or hierarchy a two day course where the recipient receives the seeds of nine individual healing rites. Centred in Wisdom, Love and Service an ancient healing pathway bringing us back to our birth rite of Joy, creating a healing pathway within us back to our luminous selves. These rites were founded in the Qero and Laika Tribes of the Andean Mountain range. They are now becoming more popular throughout the western world which was the intent of sharing them to bring about a new world - to dream it into being. This course is delivered over two days and includes a Cacao Ceremony, a Despacho and some meditation practices
£200 per person. Contact me to book
Throughout my time studying Reiki - I had support from an amazing Reiki Master Teacher (Reiki Drum). I attended numerous workshops, courses, classes and retreats all of which broadened & deepened my connection to and knowledge of Reiki. It took two years after completing my Master Teacher Studies before I started to teach. Since then I have become aware that not all Master Teachers provide the level of ongoing support I received, this view is supported by the rising number of questions I am asked or see on forum pages that should have been addressed by a master during training or through continued support. I am always keen to support my students.
With this in mind I am creating a resource page for each of the levels of Reiki I teach across all forms of Reiki. Any student of HOST can ask for access to the resources page the levels they have been attuned to. If you haven't trained with me but would like to view any of the resources please contact me.